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How many javanese tigers are left, is it extinct?

The Javan tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) has been scientifically declared extinct since the 1980s.

Sumatran tiger. The Sumatran tiger is the only remaining tiger species in Indonesia, after the Javan tiger and Bali tiger were declared extinct. Photo: Republika
Sumatran tiger. The Sumatran tiger is the only remaining tiger species in Indonesia, after the Javan tiger and Bali tiger were declared extinct. Photo: Republika

Javanese tigers will often be seen

Tony said that if the opinion of some groups who still believe in the existence of Javanese tigers is correct, then there will often be conflicts with humans. Javanese tigers will often be seen.

"Where else is there a forest without humans in Java," said Tony, who is also the commissioner of the Indonesian Safari Park (TSI).

Tony said that what is clear is that the Javan leopard (Panthera pardus melas) still exists today. He explained that the Javan leopard is a subspecies of leopard whose distribution is very limited, only on the island of Java. Javan leopards live in West Java, Kangean, Nusa Kambangan, and Sempu Island.

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Meanwhile, the Javan tiger is the largest carnivore that ever lived on the island of Java. This type was previously observed in Jampang Kulon, Ujung Kulon National Park, Mount Pangrango, Yogyakarta, Probolinggo, Blitar, Banyuwangi, Tulungagung, and Meru Betiri National Park, East Java.


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