How deep is the ocean? Here's the answer

KIDS NEWS.ID, Hai Kids -- The Earth is mostly ocean, where 71 percent of the Earth's surface is ocean and the rest is land. The oceans on Earth have five main ocean basins namely the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Antarctic Oceans, where all oceans are the largest ecosystems on Earth containing up to 97% of the water on earth. The question that often arises is how deep are the oceans on Earth?
Quoted from the UNESCO website and the Natural History Museum, UK, in 2010 a calculation of the depth of the sea was carried out using satellite measurements. At that time the average depth figure was 3,682 meters.
While the deepest point of the ocean is Challanger Deep in the Mariana Trench located in the Pacific Ocean. The depth of Challanger Deep in the Mariana Trench is estimated to be 11 kilometers deep, which exceeds the height of Mount Everest.
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Here are the depths of 5 oceans on Earth:
1. Pacific Ocean Basin
The Pacific Ocean Basin is the deepest and largest on Earth, covering almost 30 percent of the surface and approximately 46% of the water surface with an area of 165,250,000 square kilometers. The average depth of the basin is 4,280 m. The largest latitudinal margin of the Pacific Ocean is about 19,000 km located between the coast of Colombia and the Malay Peninsula.
2. Atlantic Ocean Basin
The average depth of the Atlantic Ocean basin is 3,338 m, while the width fluctuates greatly from north to south ranging from 4,830 km between North America and North Africa to 2,848 km between Brazil and Liberia.
There are still three basins on Earth...